Do you not have enough time in a day?
Are you issuing a thousand POs and unable to keep up? PMI can save you hours of time through our unique processes, from inventory management to rapidly manufacturing your needed steel parts. Stop spending whole days chasing orders and checking with vendors.
Do you need ideas in your design and costing process?
The PMI team has engineers able to work with you and guide you through the right materials and fabrication process to ensure you have the right materials and the best part possible to get the manufacturing job done.
Are you embarrassed by your current supplier scorecard?
On time, quality delivery is critical to our supply processes and yours. We work hard to ensure you have the part when you need it, because we want to earn that A+. It’s an old fashioned notion - we care.
Are you stressed during your order process?
Do you find that your shipment and inventory are getting out of control disorganized? PMI’s processes eliminate your need for on-hand inventory, provides you predictive inventory when you need it, and our simple 5-minute quote form makes ordering a snap. Eliminate stress with our industry leading process!

Our History
At its inception in the early 1990s, PMI started with 6 employees. PMI moved to its current location in 1998 and has grown to employ well over 100 employees and counting. The facility began with roughly 60,000 square feet and has expanded to over 130,000 square feet. Through the years, we’ve developed into a well-known and respected company throughout the metal stamping industry and business continues to increase.
Our People
Our team is high-energy, and goes to great lengths to make our customers happy. We’re a culture of caring about our customers, the members of the PMI family, and our great community of Bloomer, WI.
Our Community
PMI supports local community improvement efforts of many kinds. We’re proud supports of Junior Achievement and the Boy Scouts of America’s exploring program, to help kids prepare for their future careers. We also support the Bloomer Area Food Pantry and the construction of their new facility. From our local schools to the Bloomer Police Department, PMI is very involved and visible in our community.
Original Building - 123,000sf
+22,000 sf
Completed Building
The completed PMI facility
PMI’s goal is to become the leading metal supplier in the Midwest. We’re not done yet - watch us grow!